I would have liked to write something deep, clever or moving to mark the occasion but sometimes the best way is to say it right. This blog is moving its headquarters from Blogger to Wordpress; there will thus be no more updates here though this version will remain online as both an archive and a souvenir. Thanks everyone for your decade-long support and readership and see you soon over there!
At the Villa Rose
Random thoughts of Xavier Lechard.
Goodbye Blogger
J'aurais voulu écrire quelque chose de spirituel ou d'émouvant pour marquer l'occasion, mais parfois le mieux est d'aller droit au but. La Villa ferme ses portes sur Blogger pour mieux les rouvrir sur Wordpress. Il n'y aura donc plus de nouveaux posts sur ce blog que je maintiens toutefois en ligne à titre d'archive et de souvenir. Merci à tous pour votre soutien tout au long de ces onze années et maintenant, en route pour de nouvelles aventures!
The Nebulous Genre
A friend of mine to whom I complained of the relative paucity of comments on this blog told me it might have to do with so many of my posts dealing with "big ideas" which intimidate readers into silence. I think he may have a point but the fact is - I can't help it. I don't read enough to post reviews on a regular basis like most of my colleagues do, besides which most of the books I read are so elusive that no one else would be able to find them. Also, being French, I have a very theoretical mind; I just love to dissect things to find how they work and might work even better. So be warned if you're not into that stuff: here is another "big ideas" post that you may (but hopefully won't) want to skip.
While this blog is seen as primarily GAD-themed, the truth is that I don't talk about GAD mysteries that often. All periods and genres interest me in principle. One recurring subject is the subgenre known for lack of a more specific term as "psychological suspense" which had its heyday in the years following WW2 and after a long eclipse is now back in the news and on the best-sellers lists thanks to the runaway successes of writers like Gillian Flynn or Paula Hawkins. Other than the simple fact that many of my favourite crime writers belong to that "school", the prime reason why "psychological suspense" interests me is its flexibility that allows, or at least allowed, authors to experiment with the form, something that always gets plaudits from yours truly. It occurred recently to me, however, that this feature is both a virtue and a problem.
Said I, some years back:
It may have to do with the nebulousness of "Suspense" as a concept. Of all mystery subgenres it is certainly the hardest one to define, in part because it encompasses a wide variety of approaches. There may be obvious differences between The Nine Tailors and The Judas Window but there's no denying both are whodunits, following each in its own fashion the basic structure and rules of the whodunit genre. You'd be hard-pressed on the other hand to find such common ground between, say, Armstrong's A Dram of Poison and Millar's A Stranger in my Grave. Suspense fiction may derive from the traditional mystery or HIBK or the psychological crime novel; it may even incorporate some hardboiled elements. Its identity doesn't lie in what it is but what it does - you just don't read a novel by Mary Higgins Clark the same way that you read one by P.D. James and the experience is markedly different - and it's a major problem in a time like ours when books are supposed to fit in well-delineated categories.
I obviously underestimated publishers's own flexibility as the last five years have showered us with books marketed as "suspense" - being them psychological, "domestic" or with no qualifier at all. I also realize that my definition of "suspenseful reading" was way too narrow, as suspense means first and foremost that you keep turning the pages to see what's going on, and P.D. James readers are just as prone to do that than Mary Higgins Clark ones. I was right however that there was a problem, but it was a structural one, not a marketing one - the lack of cohesion. My point in comparing Charlotte Armstrong and Margaret Millar stands even stronger now than it did six years ago, and raises a question which I didn't ask at the time: Does suspense really exist as a genre?
Even in its critical and commercial halcyon days of the Fifties, "suspense" had no fixed meaning but "books written by women in which someone is in danger". The same definition had previously been used to describe (and disparage) so-called HIBK fiction, but it was widely understood that "suspense" was more ambitious and thus respectable. (Never forget how much respectability matters to crime fiction reviewers...)
Structurally suspense novels fell, and still fall for that matter, into two distinct categories: those that retain some puzzle and some detection, and those that dispense with them entirely. The former are a continuation of the traditional mystery by shifting focus from the detective to the victim; the latter on the other hand are a distant cousin of the Francis Iles crime novel by way of James M. Cain. Why then are they seen as belonging in the same genre despite coming from different traditions? Because they're both designed as nail-biting narratives in which something vital is at stake. The problem is, this description applies just as well to lots of books that no one would call "suspense". What's more, suspense is an integral part of fiction in general, with the possible exception of literary fiction in which readers are too busy counting syllabes and pondering the writer's intentions to care about what comes next. When everything is suspense then nothing is suspense - and publishers have understood that very well as they now label as such the latest offerings of Stephen King, Peter Robinson or Laura Lippman. The word has lost any tiny figment of meaning it might have had.
Is this to say that, answering my question, "suspense" is not a thing but just a marketing ploy? Not necessarily. As I said, the genre is defined by what it does rather than what it is, much like horror in another field. The problem is that its flexibility can turn to instability which can then result in confusion. Not all fiction with suspense is suspense. More than ever we need to invent, or rather re-invent, a more specific lexicon of crime fiction which allows us to give every book its right place. Sadly that's not the way we're going, with "suspense" and "noir" becoming increasingly ubiquitous and interchangeable.
Sleight of Hand
While I'm not the exclusive GAD reader that some people think me to be, the period is certainly the one that interests me more in scholarly terms: I never tire of examining, dissecting and questioning it, never to come up with conclusive answers and that's what makes the game so addictive.
My latest outburst was on the Facebook Golden Age group, prompted by a seemingly innocent question I asked to other members: Is E.C. Bentley an early or GAD mystery writer? There are solid arguments for both positions but a strong consensus emerged that Bentley, having been a decisive influence on the period and having written the major part of his output during it, indeed belonged to the Golden Age. The can of worms had been opened however and the discussion turned to one of the group's most enduring debates: When did GAD begin and what sets it apart from the previous, "early", period? Italian critic Igor Longo and I gave the canonic answer that Golden Age began or at least took wings when the genre started to focus on misdirection rather than demonstration and when the solution became as important as the detective. To which Scott K. Ratner objected that the line was not so easy to draw as stories that fulfill these requirements were written before the official beginning of the Golden Age.
He is right.
Misdirection didn't suddenly appear with Agatha Christie and al. It has been part and parcel of the genre from the beginning. Poe uses it in The Murders in the Rue Morgue when he uses the testimonies of the neighbours to imply the murderer is a foreigner. Gaboriau was aware of it too, even saying that it was all the crime writer's job was about - the first part of The Mystery of Orcival is a textbook exercise in leading the reader down the wrong path. Another notable pre-GAD display of misdirection is Richard Harding Davis's episodic novel In the Fog which may be the earliest example of fiction exclusively aimed at fooling readers.
Shockingly brilliant solutions are not a GAD novelty either. When reading early detective fiction we often do so with our modern, jaded eyes, forgetting how the stories were received at the time. The solutions to The Murders in the Rue Morgue or most Sherlock Holmes stories don't impress us anymore, but they were certainly as much of a shock to readers of the time than the final revelation of Roger Ackroyd was decades later. Why then are we making a difference, drawing a line? Well, first because the best GAD solutions still have the power to amaze - but most importantly because they're not the exception but the rule, or at least the expected rule. Early mystery writers sometimes came up with stunning, clever solutions but it wasn't the point of their craft. The point was to amaze the reader, not to bamboozle them. The detective story to them was about logic, whereas their successors would make it about magic.
If you find this explanation insufficient or frustrating, well, you're not the only one - it's judging works by the intent rather than the result, which is always a mistake when it comes to art. It leaves some questions open, most notably that of what to do with GA-style mysteries written before the Golden Age. Is, say, The Big Bow Mystery an accident, a precursor or a full-fledged member of the family? Did Golden Age begin earlier than usually admitted? And, while we're at it, when did it end? A can of worms indeed.
Faire à nouveau connaissance

Pourquoi alors a-t-il fallu près d'un siècle pour qu'il nous parvienne enfin? Eh bien, c'est que les relations entre la mère de Lord Peter Wimsey et l'édition française ont toujours été extrêmement compliquées. Alors que sa consoeur, rivale et néanmoins amie Agatha Christie trouva d'emblée l'éditeur qui devait la suivre pendant toute sa carrière et au delà, Sayers a été brinquebalée de collection en collection, ce qui rend difficile la constitution d'une "clientèle". Elle fut aussi souvent traduite n'importe comment, ce qui est déjà préjudiciable en temps normal mais l'est encore plus pour un auteur aux prétentions littéraires de plus en plus affirmées au fil de son oeuvre. C'est d'ailleurs peut-être ce dernier point qui fournit la clé de la réception difficile de Sayers dans notre pays.

Chez ces gens-là
Je ne suis pas un admirateur de Franck Thilliez. Non que j'aie quelque chose contre lui ou ses livres; il se trouve que je n'en ai jamais lu aucun. J'ai de nombreuses lacunes en matière de littérature policière contemporaine, et M. Thilliez en est une. Je suis donc tout à fait à l'aise pour me ranger à son côté dans la querelle qui l'oppose à un certain magazine culturel se voulant arbitre des élégances littéraires et dont le nom que je me refuse à écrire commence par un T.
Entendons-nous bien; chacun est libre de ne pas aimer les romans de Messieurs Thilliez, Musso, Chattam et autres, et de penser que le temps consacré à leur lecture pourrait être mieux employé - sauf que ce n'est pas ce qui est en jeu ici, et M. Thilliez l'a bien vu. Ce n'est pas tant à des auteurs que s'en prend l'autrice de l'article qui a mis le feu aux poudres, mais bien à une littérature qui n'a pas l'aval de son magazine, une littérature qui se vend alors que ses poulains tirent la langue pour aligner 1000 exemplaires, une littérature qui ne s'adresse pas aux "gens bien". La littérature populaire.
Je vois d'ici certains lecteurs-défenseurs du magazine lever le doigt et protester: "Mais non, T. n'a rien contre la littérature populaire, ils sont très ouverts au polar, à la science-fiction". Le problème est que le "polar" et la science-fiction qui ont les honneurs de ses colonnes n'ont rien de populaire. Ce sont des variantes élitistes du genre, littérairement correctes et porteuses des "bonnes" valeurs, qui s'adressent à un public restreint, et publiés par des éditeurs "respectables". Surtout ce ne sont pas de "simples divertissements". C'est que chez ces gens-là, on ne lit pas un "polar" - pardon un roman noir, car c'est la seule forme du genre qui les intéresse - pour passer le temps ou un bon moment; on cherche avant tout une "grande émotion de lecture". Ne vous attendez donc pas à ce qu'ils vous parlent du dernier Michel Bussi ou d'autres "thrillers pré-construits, écrits à la truelle" qui font la joie du public des plages. Chez ces gens-là, on est sérieux et on lit des livres idoines.
Et le pire c'est que ces gens-là, s'ils ne sont pas prescripteurs, sont en revanche de très bons proscripteurs. Si les différents prix spécialisés vont année après année à des bouquins assommants que personne ne lit en dehors du "sérail", si le Grand Prix de Littérature Policière couronne chaque année des livres qui n'ont rien de policier, si de grands auteurs reconnus à l'étranger n'ont droit qu'à un entrefilet dans la presse alors que des quidams ont droit à cinq colonnes, c'est grâce à l'influence de ces gens-là et de leurs collègues des autres journaux et magazines "de référence" dont certains siègent d'ailleurs dans le jury desdits prix. Et le fait que leurs poulains n'intéressent personne à l'intérieur comme au delà de nos frontières ne les tourmente pas plus que ça. Chez ces gens-là, on ne doute pas - et surtout on ne se fie pas à la vox populi, ni aux opinions étrangères. Mais ne leur en déplaise et malgré tous leurs efforts pour la récupérer, la littérature de genre est avant tout une littérature populaire, et c'est donc le peuple qui décide au final - et il préfère largement Fred Vargas à Jean-Bernard Pouy. Il n'est d'ailleurs pas le seul puisque c'est la première et non le second qui vient de remporter le Prix Princesse des Asturies. Mais chez ces gens-là, on ne se soucie pas des prix, sauf quand on les décerne soi-même.
Alors bien sûr, la littérature populaire est périssable (qui lit encore aujourd'hui Max du Veuzit ou Xavier de Montépin?) et il se peut que dans un siècle le nom de Franck Thilliez ait sombré dans l'oubli alors que les auteurs vantés par ces gens-là dormiront au Panthéon de la littérature mondiale. Cela se peut. Et on s'en fout. Car la littérature populaire n'existe pas pour être "validée" ni "reconnue" ni pour "durer"; son but est avant tout de donner du plaisir ici et maintenant et c'est sur ce seul point qu'elle doit être jugée.
Mais il est vrai que chez ces gens-là, le plaisir...
A Matter of Rules

Prior to the Golden Age the detective story didn't identify as a separate genre or at least didn't make a fuss out of it. There was a general understanding, widely shared by the interested parties, that Conan Doyle and William LeQueux were not writing the same kind of stories but this was only a statement of fact, not implying one kind was inherently better than the other.
Things changed as the genre became more refined, more ambitious and attracted a more highbrow readership. Detective story writers, often of middle-class origin themselves, became frustrated and concerned that their work was lumped together with the "Blood and Thunder" books churned out by the likes of Edgar Wallace for the uneducated masses. Defining what the detective story was, and more importantly what it wasn't, became of vital import - and so self-appointed censors began edicting rules.
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Mgr. Ronald Knox, rule-maker |
Some of them appear silly to us and have since been either amended or outright rejected; others have been significantly downplayed. Most are now illegilible because of missing context. One glaring example is Mgr. Knox's prohibition of "Chinamen" which is often seen as racist by modern commentators, whereas Knox actually aimed his barb at the intemperate and clichéd use by thriller writers of Eastern evil geniuses of which Sax Rohmer's Fu Manchu remains the most famous specimen.
Rules are made and meant to be broken, and these were no exception. Rebellion soon arose, but interestingly not all of those "rebels" were averse to the notion of rules - they just wanted to replace the existing ones with their own. Thomas Narcejac showed that Raymond Chandler's literary ethos was just as constrictive as Van Dine's, though he took the latter's opposite stand on some issues such as realism and the importance of characterization. Narcejac himself wrote several essays on what a proper crime novel should be - and don't get me started with Julian Symons.
Our age is less dogmatic, having returned to pre-Golden Age equality of standing for all kinds of "crime fiction". The Detection Club welcomes thriller writers (it would certainly had gone out of business otherwise) and the Mystery Writers of America present their Edgars to books that are devoid of any mysterious element. This is in keeping with the modern craving for inclusivity, but I'm not sure this concept applies well, or should apply at all, to the genre as its boundaries have always been extremely blurry and we don't do it or ourselves any favour by blurrying them even more. A detective story is not just a story with a detective, and a mystery without a puzzle is not a mystery. We really need another Mgr. Knox.
L'Heure du pastiche
J'évoquais l'autre jour quelques-unes des qualités nécessaires à une bonne parodie; j'aimerais aujourd'hui me pencher sur le versant "respectueux" de l'exercice, le pastiche. Des deux formes d'imitation c'est à mon sens la plus difficile, en ce sens qu'il s'agit pour l'imitateur non seulement de se couler dans un style qui n'est pas le sien, mais de se faire oublier autant qu'il est possible. En littérature comme au music-hall, le meilleur imitateur est celui dont on n'entend pas (trop) la voix derrière celle qu'il imite.
Il suffit de lire l'un des innombrables apocryphes holmésiens pour se convaincre que très peu d'auteurs y parviennent. Beaucoup, il est vrai, n'essaient même pas, se contentant de singer grossièrement leur modèle pour un public peu regardant. D'autres s'appliquent, mais échouent précisément par excès d'application - leur copie n'apporte rien de nouveau par rapport à l'original. Et puis il y a ceux qui réussissent à peu près; je dis "à peu près" non pour diminuer leur mérite mais parce qu'il est impossible d'aller au delà, l'imitateur butant sur le fait qu'il ne sera jamais celui qu'il imite.
La paresse ou le simple opportunisme mis à part, la cause la plus fréquente d'échec dans ce domaine est l'incapacité ou le refus de comprendre que l'on ne pastiche pas seulement le style d'un auteur, mais sa thématique et sa vision du monde. Il s'agit de produire une oeuvre, un texte, que le modèle aurait pu avoir écrit. Là encore, l'étude des pseudo-Holmes est riche d'enseignements. Même dans les cas rarissimes où le pasticheur réussit à "capter" la "voix" du Docteur, les personnages et les intrigues n'ont rien à voir avec les originaux. Il ne suffit pas de s'appeler Sherlock et de fumer la pipe pour "être" le plus grand détective du monde. De même, le fait que Holmes et Jack l'Eventreur aient été contemporains ne signifie pas pour autant qu'ils appartiennent au même univers; les fréquentes - et à la longue, épuisantes - joutes posthumes qui les ont opposés et les opposent encore n'ont rien de "doylien". On passe alors du pastiche à la réappropriation, qui relève d'un tout autre exercice et dont relèvent la plus grande partie des "continuations" de franchises célèbres, inévitablement décevantes aux yeux des puristes qui se rendent compte qu'on leur refile un article différent de ce qu'ils sont venus chercher.
Au vrai, le pastiche authentique requiert non seulement une dévotion, mais une abnégation peu communes dans une profession telle que la littéraire, où une forte personnalité est l'une des compétences de base requises. Un pastiche réussi ne peut être l'oeuvre que d'un auteur qui met provisoirement son ego au placard, ou qui n'en a pas. Espèces rares - mais on l'a vu, les bons pastiches le sont aussi.
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